Now that labelling some type of music as STONER is lost over in time, SIDEBURN's "IV Monument" is one of the lots of albums that came to unmask this classification at the expense of hard-rock, blues, doom or just ROCK.
In the present case, "IV Monument", impressive vocals imprint a definite hard-rock style on the record that, together along with a variety or tempoes thru different songs, makes you listen to a more classic rock oriented album than a so-called stoner one. You may find some other styles in the orbit, depending on your background... and age. ;)
The awesome skills of this band (are you a lover of guitar solo stuff? Then you have a new idol: Mr. Morgan Zocek) were well-known by us since their beginning and we always hoped they could last forever: this album confirms they're not outta shape. And we're very happy to see this as I still remember fondly a bunch of bands excited us when we received their stuff back when NOIZELAND started: SIDEBURN, DOZER, UFOMMAMUT, just to name a few...
If you're not into swedish SIDEBURN, you have now the chance to get into this great band.